Monday, March 23, 2009

Chapter Seven Nervous System Objectives

List two important functions of the spinal cord (number 17)
- The spinal cord provides a two way conduction path to and from the brain, and also is a major reflex center.

Name the four major plexuses, give the major nerves of each, and describe their distribution (number 23)
1- Cervical (major nerve - phrenic) serves the diaphragm and the muscles of the shoulder, if damaged respiratory paralysis or death
2- Brachial (major nerves axiallary, radial, median, musculocutaneous, ulnar) serves the muscles of the arm and hands (deltiod, triceps and extensor mucles of forearm, flexor muscles of forearm, flexor muscles of the arm, wrist and hand muscles respectivily)
3- Lumbar (major nerves femoral, obturator) serves lower abdomen, buttocks, anterior thighs, and adductor muscles of the medial thigh and small of hip muscles.
4- Sacral (major nerves sciatic, superior and inferior gluteal) serves the lower trunk and posterior surface of the thigh later and postier aspect of the leg and foot and gluteus muscles of the hip